Taking care of your furry has never been so easy,
from $85,000 a year!

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Déjanos tus datos para explicarte claramente todo sobre el seguro de Mascotas.

El campo SMS debe contener entre 6 y 19 cifras e incluir el prefijo del país sin «+» ni «0» delante (ej.: 34xxxxxxxxxxx para España)

IMPORTANT: Your pet must be between 3 months and 10 years old for the insurance to apply.

Get pet insurance quickly and easily

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2. Compare

We extend the coverage of pet insurance according to your needs.
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3. We advise you

For you to take the best decision.

Pet Insurance Benefits

Your pet should not lack protection, illnesses and accidents do not warn. We reimburse you for veterinary expenses.

You choose the vet, we manage the reimbursement.

Feel calm knowing that your pet is protected in case of: Loss, death, accidents or illnesses, damages or injuries to third parties.

Your pet’s health is priceless, insure it. We help you protect your pet and select the best plan.

Compare your Pet Insurance

Don’t let your pet’s expenses affect your budget

Tora photo


She explores calmly because she knows she is insured.
Hipo photo


He is happy since his mistress does not worry when she has to take him to the vet in case of illness or accident.
Lupita photo


She doesn't stop playing because she feels safe every time she goes out to have fun with her friends.