Your international travel insurance, from $140,000!

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El campo SMS debe contener entre 6 y 19 cifras e incluir el prefijo del país sin «+» ni «0» delante (ej.: 34xxxxxxxxxxx para España)

Acquire your travel insurance easily and quickly

1. Leave your data

Enter the details of your trip.

2. Coverage

Check your travel insurance coverage

3. Assistance

Check your data and pay your international medical insurance.

4. Travel calmly

Receive the instructions for use in your email.

What should my travel insurance have?

Support for up to USD $35,000 in medical expenses due to accident or illness.

Protected luggage, in case of loss we will reimburse you USD $500.

We pay you USD $200 if the trip is canceled or interrupted due to health or a natural event.

We give you USD $10,000 in case of partial or total disability due to an accident that occurred during the trip.

Do you need us to quote your travel insurance?
Write us on whatsapp